JLF Founder
Native Language: Japanese
2nd Language: English
3rd Language: Greek
4th Language: German
Background: Born in Yamanashi in 1986. Raised in Kumamoto, Niigata. Established a skincare food cooking school from 2011-2015 in Meguro, Tokyo, and established Japan Language Factory in 2016- present.
Mission: Changing the language learning industry in the world to provide the most efficient way to be bilingual as fast as possible.
Motivation: Life is only once. I would love to enjoy myself with the best job, the best people, and the best environment for the next 300 years.
Quote: Follow what you really want in your life.
Bilingual Coach at JLF Headquarter
Native Language: Japanese
2nd Language: English
Background: Born and raised in Fukui. Working as a kindergarten teacher and diving instructor has brought me to the Philippines, Australia, and other countries.
Mission: Instead of teaching language knowledge, provide ways for anyone to become bilingual and achieve personal goals.
Motivation: Never be satisfied with who I am now, never be afraid to try new things, and pursue and thrive, until the end of my life.
Quote: Life isn’t perfect, any failures you have are actually learning moments.
Bilingual Coach
Native Language: Japanese
2nd Language: English
Background: Born in Chiba in 1995. Raised in Saitama. Used to live in Canada and Australia for studying English and making friends.
Mission: I want to tell people that by becoming bilingual, they can expand their options and live a life full of more possibilities.
Motivation: To be the kind of person that makes other people’s lives better.
Quote: I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.
Bilingual Coach
Native Language: Japanese
2nd Language: English
Background: NativeTokyo, lived in Los Angeles for 17 years. Currently live in Niigata.
Mission: To Help people Speak more languages that will give them more opportunities to better
themselves and I would like to be that positive vessel for them.
Motivation: Be the best of myself.
Quote: Love is the light for everything
Bilingual Coach
Native Language: Japanese
2nd Language: English
Background: Raised in Tokyo. Lived in California for 6 years and Hawaii for 4 years.
Currently living in Florida.
Mission: Being able to speak different languages means opening up another world for yourself.
Motivation: Never stop having curiosity and explore.
Quote: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get unless you try them.
Bilingual Coach
Native Language: Japanese
2nd Language: English
3rd Language: Russian, Belarusian,Spanish
4th Language: French, Italian,
Background: Born and raised in Chiba, Learned English completely in Japan. I became so good at English that I became an English Teacher in Japan. After that I moved to Belarus Struggled to learn the local languages but gradually became better by making tons of videos on Tiktok. Trust me, it works.
Hobbies: Photography, Videography, Cameras and Vintage or Antique Collection and watching movies and series (I’m a big nerd)
Mission: : Being honest and genuine with you. I will give my 100% to help you make your Japanese speaking dream come true.
Motivation: Nobody can save me if I don’t, so I am making things right for me every day.
Quote: Do or do not, there is no try.
Bilingual Coach
Native language: Japanese
2nd language: English
Background: Born and raised in Tokyo. Have been living in the States for almost 20 years.
Mission: こんにちは! Language learning is an exciting journey, and I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way! Together, we’ll unlock your potential, celebrate your progress, and make learning Japanese not just effective but truly enjoyable. Let’s turn your goals into reality—one word, one conversation, one breakthrough at a time!
Motivation: I believe everyone has a unique purpose in this life, and I’m excited to explore the world and meet incredible, beautiful people along the way. Each connection is an opportunity to learn, grow, and be inspired!
Quote: I trust the process, embrace the journey, and lead with heart and passion
Speak Japanese in 2 months!
Talk to one of our agents to learn our method to become a Japanese Speaker in just 2 months👆