My question is learning Japanese grammar, efficient way to be fluent?

When you use Facebook, you have two choices.
One, you can learn programming and coding, become a software developer, develop Facebook, and use Facebook. The other is to go to the app store, download Facebook, and start using it today.

It is the same when you want to speak Japanese.
A lot of native speakers can speak it naturally without any grammar knowledge especially children.👍

In other words, you can start with grammar and
learn how to make Japanese sentences from scratch,
like a software developer, or you can start with
Or, like a child, you can memorize native phrases from your mother
and download (memorize) them to your brain.

If your goal is to speak fluently in a year, you should consider
Would it be appropriate to start with grammar study,
in other words, learn programming?💻

We are a speech coaching school.
If you start with grammar, even if it takes you more than 10 years,
you will be able to program your Japanese perfectly.
We offer a whole new kind of training.👉👉

What is Japan Language Factory?

We are specialists in Japanese conversation and communication.
All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.
Japan Language Factory is a fully online school based in London. Our students come from all over the world, including the US, Canada, Australia, India, Europe, and Japan.

Problems with current Japanese language education.

1. Lack of conversation training.
2. More than 2,500 kanji and more than 50,000 words in Japanese are difficult to learn and make results.
3. JLPT (Japanese Proficiency Test) does not lead to conversation skills at all.
4. There are few Japanese who can speak English well.
5. The method of studying Japanese is not clear.

Common voices of Japanese language learners.

1. I am studying Japanese, but I can’t speak at all. Maybe just greetings…
2. Listening is difficult.
3. Cultural differences between Japan and the West make it difficult to communicate.
4. I don’t know the difference between rude and polite phrases.
5. I don’t know how to use grammar or vocabulary.

Professional Speaking/Communication Training to boost your Japanese skills.

Total 30 sessions to master Japanese speaking and communication skills to achieve your goal and improve your speaking skills from zero to business levels.

Why is Japan Language Factory chosen
by the world?

Japan Langauge Factory is an international online Japanese speech coaching school.
We are specialists in Japanese conversation and communication.
All of our coaches are native Japanese speakers to teach you our method to become a Japanese speaker in 2 months.

Talk to one of our Japanese speech coaches to learn our method to become a Japanese Speaker in 2 months👆

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