A must for becoming a Japanese speaker.

If you don’t make mistakes, you won’t get better.
If you are afraid of making mistakes, you will lose.

Even if you are over 30 or 40,
you can learn a new language, speak it fluently,
and have your life take off.

I’ve always believed that
even as a 35-year-old woman and a single mother,
I’m a long way from the distant past when I was 18 years old,
living quietly in the countryside (Niigata with full of snow),
unable to go to college because of lack of money,
in a company that would never give me a raise
and paid me 120,000 yen a month…
(Average salary is 380,000 yen per month)

After being born and raised in Japan and
constantly living without money,
my dream of speaking English abroad and being successful
was too big to be true.

The biggest problem when taking on a big challenge is
the fear of making mistakes and failing.

Fear often grows bigger the older you get.

“F*ck fear! I won’t die even If I make a mistake in my life”

If you have a big fear of not wanting to fail,
not wanting to make mistakes,
and not wanting to be fooled,
you will not be able to achieve your big dreams.

This is because logically speaking,
it is impossible to succeed without making mistakes.

First of all,
don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
Accepting that it’s okay to make mistakes is the first step.

It is essential for your Japanese conversation training.

It is natural to make mistakes.

It is precise because you make mistakes that you become better at it.

Every mistake you make becomes a real,
the funny old story of your success.

One day you can encourage the people who are struggling.

What I want you to promise yourself, starting today.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, challenge yourself.

Whether you are over 30 or 40,
You always have a chance to turn your life around.

What is Japan Language Factory?

We are specialists in Japanese conversation and communication.
All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.
Japan Language Factory is a fully online school based in London. Our students come from all over the world, including the US, Canada, Australia, India, Europe, and Japan.

Problems with current Japanese language education.

1. Lack of conversation training.
2. More than 2,500 kanji and more than 50,000 words in Japanese are difficult to learn and make results.
3. JLPT (Japanese Proficiency Test) does not lead to conversation skills at all.
4. There are few Japanese who can speak English well.
5. The method of studying Japanese is not clear.

Common voices of Japanese language learners.

1. I am studying Japanese, but I can’t speak at all. Maybe just greetings…
2. Listening is difficult.
3. Cultural differences between Japan and the West make it difficult to communicate.
4. I don’t know the difference between rude and polite phrases.
5. I don’t know how to use grammar or vocabulary.

Professional Speaking/Communication Training to boost your Japanese skills.

Total 30 sessions to master Japanese speaking and communication skills to achieve your goal and improve your speaking skills from zero to business levels.

Why is Japan Language Factory chosen
by the world?

Japan Langauge Factory is an international online Japanese speech coaching school.
We are specialists in Japanese conversation and communication.
All of our coaches are native Japanese speakers to teach you our method to become a Japanese speaker in 2 months.

Talk to one of our Japanese speech coaches to learn our method to become a Japanese Speaker in 2 months👆

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