Why does your Japanese sound like a textbook?😐
💁One point phrase📝
Let me go to the post office to send a package📦
この荷物 送りたいんですが。。。
kono nimotsu okuritaindesu ga…
this package send I want to but…
🦋feel free to copy and past the above🦋

Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker.
This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese
even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS.
Textbook learning needs a lot of discipline and dedication to
overcome this one of the most difficult languages in the world.
Our JLF learning structure is straightforwardly focused on
how Japanese children learn Japanese without textbooks.
If you would like to learn how to speak in JUST 2 MONTHS with our specific learning training, you can contact us to
SAVE YOUR MILLION HOURS of textbook study!