SAY お世話になっております。 OSEWA NI NATTE ORIMASU INSTEAD OF “GENKI” Do you know that 元気 (Genki) means Health and Fine. Usually as a native Japanese speaker, we use when you didn’t meet this person for a while, you want to know this person is if it’s healthy or not which means good or bad. But […]
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By Terumi Kai February 22, 2023 2 min read If you care about the time, which you don’t want to study Japanese for 10 hours everyday. you need to have the study plan. Do not waste your time without memorizing anything. Terumi Kai Tweet This is a message for those who want to learn how […]

By Terumi Kai February 11, 2023 2 min read Japanese language is one of the most difficult languages in the world. But if you don’t focus on spelling, it’s not too hard. Terumi Kai Tweet How can you learn Japanese in 2023? Should you learn Japanese or not? It said the Japanese language is one […]

By TERUMI KAI Easiest And Fastest Way To Be Fluent🚀 So many people say to me, ” I’m learning Japanese “Looks like “Hoping to be bilingual one day”Whether you can be Bilingual or NEVER is up to HOW DO YOU STUDY today. When people don’t know what training to be bilingual, usually people spend time […]

By TERUMI KAI Finding a partner in Japan? Are you living in Japan?Are you studying Japanese alone?Do you want to be able to speak Japanese like a native ASAP? When you moved to Japan,You were very excited to have an enjoyable life in Japan,You went to the book store in Japan to buy some textbooks […]

By TERUMI KAI Speak fluent Japanese with fluency in just 2 months 32-year-old Kendal James has always been passionate about Japan. However, several attempts to learn Japanese failed until Pandemic suddenly made dreams come true and through unique contacts she was able to understand how to communicate clearly within a few months.Bristol-born artist Kendal James […]
By TERUMI KAI After studying Japanese for more than 5 years, why do people come to learn our speech training?? General Japanese study isthe same no matter where you go to school. First, you learn hiragana and katakana.After that, you start learning grammar, vocabulary, kanji and keep repeating grammar, vocabulary, and kanji forever.This is a […]
Let’s check if you are not good at speaking Japanese in public.🇯🇵 By TERUMI KAI Many people have JLPT certificate but are afraid to speak. 【How to pass Japanese interviews #001】I’m not good at talking in the first place.🇯🇵 Watch this video on YouTube Anyone can speak Japanese fluently if they really do training🔥 […]