
Are you still using translator in Japan?🧐

being able to speak Japanese can change your world💙 Practical application makes perfect – insights from an accomplished alumnus! 🇺🇸🇯🇵 Talk with JLF student Thomas Brock. Military living in Japan, challenging himself in Japanese! Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners […]


Let’s enjoy learning how to speak Japanese😃

Leave the textbook and let’s enjoy the process🤙 Learning Japanese🇯🇵 An Investment Worth Making🕺🙌 Talk with JLF student Jeffrey Spivey. Young military stationed in Japan. Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese  even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. […]


Being fluent in Japanese is absolutely possible💯

This is how you can start speaking Japanese💥 Does your language school teach you this….?💦 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese  even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. Textbook learning needs a lot of discipline and dedication to  overcome […]


Are you sure you are not using the rude Japanese?👁️‍🗨️

When you should NOT use “kudasai”🤔 💁One point phrase📝 Did I bring my health insurance card….?🤔 保険証 お持ちですか? hokenshou omochi desu ka? insurance card  do you own? 🦋feel free to copy and past the above🦋 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners […]


Say good bye to your fear of speaking in Japanese👋

All you need is the right method👌 Unleashing the Language Potential with Japan Language Factory 🌟🇯🇵 Talk with JLF student Frank Burkhardt. Moved to Japan and now working in an all-Japanese environment. Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak […]


How can we say “have a nice day” in a Japanese way🤔

Don’t directly translate into Japanese🙅 💁One point phrase📝I want to use my apply pay on my phone💁 アップルペイ 使えますか? Apple Pay         tsukaemasuka? Apple Pay          use can I? 🦋feel free to copy and past the above🦋 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. […]


Changing your relationship with Japanese to better🌟

🌟Check out an amazing story of JLF student Jay🌟 How Jay Learned Japanese in Just a few Months and Changed his Relationship with Japanese People Jay is a successful video game developer who has been running his own company for over 15 years. He has lived in China since 2008, where he helped develop a […]


Do you want to know the trick to speak Japanese naturally?

Why does your Japanese sound like a textbook?😐 💁One point phrase📝Let me go to the post office to send a package📦 この荷物    送りたいんですが。。。 kono nimotsu okuritaindesu ga… this package send I want to but… 🦋feel free to copy and past the above🦋 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English […]


Don’t be afraid to speak Japanese, just DO IT✔

Interacting with Japanese is the best way to improve your Japanese⭕ Empowering Language Learning: Dedication and Guidance at JLF🇯🇵⭐️ Talk with JLF student Stephen Altair. Celebrity meditation coach based in Japan. Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese  […]


Being able to speak Japanese in Japan can get you to places🚶

You don’t want to sound like a textbook/robot🙅‍♂‍ Mastering Japanese: A Gateway to Business Success in Japan⭐️🗣️🔑 Talk with JLF student Jamal Knox. Military stationed in Japan now owns his own company. The benefits of taking JLF Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, […]