✳️The 30 most frequently asked questions in Japanese company interviews.🔥 By TERUMI KAI The 30 most frequently asked questions in Japanese company interviews for foreginers. Today, I would like to introduce the 30 most frequently asked questions in Japanese company interviews. If you don’t learn the frequently asked questions, you will not be able to […]
Author: Terumi Kai
🔥How to maximize your good points and give you an impressive answer in the interview of the Japanese company🇯🇵 By TERUMI KAI 🔥How to maximize your good points and give you an impressive answer in the interview of the Japanese company🇯🇵 Today, I would like to share how to maximize your good points and give […]
By TERUMI KAI Let’s start learning Terumi’s Methods today!!✍️✊ こんにちは!(Hello!) Let’s start learning Terumi’s Methods today!!✍️✊ Terumi’s Methods is a method for learning to speak Japanese in two months, focusing on self-introductions.✌️😉 Create your own self-introduction according to your Japanese level.You don’t need to give up on self-introduction just because your Japanese […]
By TERUMI KAI A must for becoming a Japanese speaker. If you don’t make mistakes, you won’t get better.If you are afraid of making mistakes, you will lose. Even if you are over 30 or 40,you can learn a new language, speak it fluently,and have your life take off. I’ve always believed thateven as a […]
By TERUMI KAI What do we need to practice for natural Japanese conversation? Hi! My name is Terumi. Thank you so much for reading my newsletter! As you know, I couldn’t speak English for more than 20 years. Now I became 4 language speaker without grammar study. Why? I just care how can I […]
Even if you start Japanese from zero levels, you will be able to speak something in 7 days. 😊👍👍 By TERUMI KAI European languages and Japanese are completely different languages. Even if you start Japanese from zero levels, you will be able to speak something in 7 days. 😊👍👍If you can’t speak Japanese for more […]
By TERUMI KAI What should you do when you can’t understand what Japanese people talk about? Hi! This is Terumi. 😃 Today is the last day of our ten-day curriculum, and I want to thank you all for reading for the last 10 days! I will also continue delivering some messages to share more methods and […]
😅9 Taboo behaviors during an interview in Japan By TERUMI KAI Learn what you shouldn’t do during an interview. You already know the questions and answers at the time of the interview from our previous messages. After that, you just need to practice speaking Japanese for the interviews. Facial expressions and gestures are also important.If […]
Success story from your mistakes is the best way to prove your experience.😄🔥 By TERUMI KAI There’s no success story without failure. That’s why in a company interview, explain how much you’ve failed and the success story from failure.Talking about your experience of failure can prove how much effort you have made. Today, let’s […]
Let’s learn useful phrases when you want to tell your knowledge in an interview.🤓🔥 By TERUMI KAI Speaking training is necessary to give a perfect presentation in Japanese! Have you experienced when you went to the interview or when you want to speak Japanese, you couldn’t tell what you thought? I know about […]