The right method to speak Japanese💁 💁One point phrase📝Where did he meet his wife? Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. Textbook learning needs a lot of discipline and dedication to overcome this […]
Author: Terumi Kai
No need for textbooks to speak Japanese✋ 💁One point phrase📝Do you want to pay via cash?🤜 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. Textbook learning needs a lot of discipline and dedication to […]
Let’s be more confident in speaking Japanese💪 💁One point phrase📝Let’s make a reservation for the restaurant🥣 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. Textbook learning needs a lot of discipline and dedication to […]
Are you speaking Japanese like a textbook?🤓 💁One point phrase📝I love working out, HBU?🏋🏋 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. Textbook learning needs a lot of discipline and dedication to overcome this […]
Who says you can’t learn how to speak Japanese in the States?🗣 💁One point phrase📝How do you start your conversation with your in-laws in Japanese? Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. […]
Only 10 minutes to speak Japanese
How are you managing your time?🤓 💁One point phrase📝Let’s try to order something good😋 Learning Japanese is 100 TIMES HARDER than learning Spanish or French as a native English speaker. This is the reason, many Japanese learners can’t speak Japanese even though they have bought 100 TEXTBOOKS. Textbook learning needs a lot of discipline and dedication to overcome this […]
SAY お世話になっております。
SAY お世話になっております。 OSEWA NI NATTE ORIMASU INSTEAD OF “GENKI” Do you know that 元気 (Genki) means Health and Fine. Usually as a native Japanese speaker, we use when you didn’t meet this person for a while, you want to know this person is if it’s healthy or not which means good or bad. But […]

By Terumi Kai February 22, 2023 2 min read If you care about the time, which you don’t want to study Japanese for 10 hours everyday. you need to have the study plan. Do not waste your time without memorizing anything. Terumi Kai Tweet This is a message for those who want to learn how […]

By Terumi Kai February 11, 2023 2 min read Japanese language is one of the most difficult languages in the world. But if you don’t focus on spelling, it’s not too hard. Terumi Kai Tweet How can you learn Japanese in 2023? Should you learn Japanese or not? It said the Japanese language is one […]

By TERUMI KAI Easiest And Fastest Way To Be Fluent🚀 So many people say to me, ” I’m learning Japanese “Looks like “Hoping to be bilingual one day”Whether you can be Bilingual or NEVER is up to HOW DO YOU STUDY today. When people don’t know what training to be bilingual, usually people spend time […]